วันเสาร์, ตุลาคม 24, 2552

Obama: Procrastinating Desperately on Afghanistan

Posted on Tuesday - 20 Things Obama Has Done Instead of Dealing With Afghanistan

Can we make that 22?

With his attendance at fundraisers for Sen. Chris Dodd of Connecticut and Gov. Deval Patrick of Massachusetts today — boy, there's a pair of popular incumbents — President Obama has now attended seven fundraisers since Gen. Stanley McChrystal submitted his request for additional troops in Afghanistan.

Imagine if a Republican president was jetting around the nation to help unpopular conservatives win re-election during a time of multiple national crises. Would the mongrels of the media be braying! But under The Rule of The One, the responsibility of the president to protect and serve the good people who elected him is superseded by the president's "responsibility" (desire?) to maintain ironclad power over them.

Hope and change, baby!
