วันศุกร์, ตุลาคม 16, 2552

Jeez, Does Barack Whack Off To That Thing?

..."that thing" being his ludicrously unearned Nobel Peace Prize. While his team of handlers claim that the president is "quite humbled" by it, you wouldn't know it from some of the press releases and emails being sent out from the White House. And as usual, you need to go to the foreign media to learn about it - Toby Harnden reports:

No opportunity to shoehorn in a mention of the Nobel prize is being missed.

Yesterday, it was: “Earlier today, President Obama spoke with President Felipe Calderon of Mexico, President Oscar Arias of Costa Rica, and President Alvaro Uribe of Colombia. In addition to thanking each for their respective calls regarding the Nobel Peace Prize, the President…”

The day before it was: “Late Saturday morning, President Obama returned Indian Prime Minister Singh’s phone call. Prime Minister Singh had called President Obama on Friday to congratulate him on having won the Nobel Peace Prize. The President expressed his appreciation for the call and congratulations.

Well, why wouldn't Obama believe he deserved it? He has spent his whole life moving ahead on the wave of projections that others have placed upon him, not upon actual accomplishments. And while he did have to work hard in order to win the presidential election, he did it on the back of an "aura of greatness" that others created around him, and not on the back of any personal accomplishments whatsoever. In that respect, there is no doubt that Barack Obama feels he truly earned this Nobel Peace Prize. For that too was awarded to him based not on anything he has ever done, but what others project he can and will do. In his mind, he is as worthy of that Prize as he is the presidency...

Funny, considering this is a man who has done absolutely nothing in his life whatsoever that has effected positive change in the circumstances of the people he claims to represent....

The final word goes to Harnden:

All in all, it’s a hilarious display of vanity and self-absorption masquerading ineptly as humility and selflessness.

But there’s a serious question: What does it say about Obama’s character when such an empty symbol means so much to him?

Or maybe the final word should go to Glenn Reynolds:

Good Grief....

UPDATE: Jimmy Carter's endorsement isn't helping....
