วันจันทร์, ตุลาคม 26, 2552

Jon Corzine: Buying Every Vote Available For Sale

Well, that's one way a billionaire can corner the market - buying up, regardless of price, all that he covets, be they items of desire or simply votes.

Corzine's already gotten some heat for his $87K contribution to the Black Ministers Council, whose leader, Reginald Jackson, endorsed the governor for re-election immediately afterward despite having a number of public disagreements with him.

But that figure is just pocket change to the governor when it comes to buying votes:

Turns out Corzine’s foundation gave nearly $1 million to a non-profit organization controlled by a black minister in Camden County in South Jersey, the Rev. Bishop David G. Evans, who also serves on the Turnpike Authority. The governor gave $25,000 to Evans’ church, which claims 28,000 members, as well. The Evans group did not say how the money was spent and Evans didn’t return calls to reporter Jason Method of the Asbury Park Press who broke the story.

Corzine also gave $250,000 to the foundation of Cooper Hospital where he was treated after an accident in which he wasn’t wearing a seat belt. The chairman of Cooper is Camden County Democratic Party Boss George Norcross.

According to its 2007 non-profit disclosure, David G. Evans Ministries collected $598,389 in revenue that year and more than half of that — $375,000 — came from Corzine.

Interesting that that Evans group refuses to talk about what they did with Corzine's millions. Is Corzine supporting black churches, or is he simply purchasing their votes with his unlimited wealth and patronage? Or even worse, is his money and vote-buying corrupting these ministries and their leadership, thus further impoverishing their congregations both financially and spiritually?

And the big bucks he's sent to over Boss Norcross? Just remember - if he gets convicted of a crime against the public, like Bergen County Democratic leader Joe Ferriero (Corzine payoff: $441K) recently did - it has absolutely nothing to do with Corzine's cash!

Not sure who's stupider: The folks who keep taking Corzine's money - which is either poisoned or cursed like a monkey's paw - or the folks who keep voting for him.

Or maybe they are just one and the same?
