วันศุกร์, ตุลาคม 09, 2552

Barack Obama Wins The Nobel Peace Prize!

How perfectly appropriate. Now he shares company with Jimmy Carter, Yassar Arafat, and a worldwide variety of other American-haters (think Harold Pinter) who have done more to enhance the possibility of war than bring about any kind of lasting peace.

John Miller:

Obama isn't the first American president to win the Nobel Peace Prize, but he's the first to win it without having accomplished anything.

....Obama's award is simply the projection of wishful thinking.

Just as Sarkozy said. Obama pines for a world without nukes, while two of the world's most despotic regimes build atomic weapons while he lifts not a finger to stop them. Which is why gave him the award, after all - he's done the most to reduce American power (the real danger to world peace) than any other politician in world history, save the Emperor Hirohito.

I guess he is the world's prom king, after all. But is he ours? The left and the media will positively swoon, feeling their love has been validated. They'll use it as an excuse to push his radical agenda. The president's poll numbers will get a momentary bump as well.

But remember how the world's unadulterated hatred of George W. Bush helped, in the end, push him back into America's arms? Let's see what the unadulterated love of the world does for Barack Obama...because a lot of that love has been coming from ugly places...

UPDATE: Even the AP is a bit thrown off...although I am sure their tone will change:

The awarding of the Nobel Peace Price to President Barack Obama landed with a shock on darkened, still-asleep Washington. He won! For what?

The award could be as much about issuing a slap at Obama's predecessor, former President George W. Bush, as about lauding Obama....

UPDATE II: More on the Obama-Arafat connection (thanks to the Nobel committee):

What do Barack Obama and Yassir Arafat have in common? They both hung out with anti-Semites who think Israel should be pushed into the sea.

UPDATE III: How many other Nobel Prize winners have refused to meet with the Dali Lama in deference to communist China? Just asking....

UPDATE IV: Is it all about Bush?

When Jimmy Carter won the Nobel Prize in 2002, the chairman of the Nobel Prize committee, a leftist Norwegian politician named Gunnar Berge, told the media in announcing Carter’s prize that “it should be interpreted as a criticism of the line that the current [Bush] administration has taken” in the war on terrorism, and particularly Iraq. “It’s a kick in the leg to all that follow the same line as the United States."

UPDATE V: Jennifer Rubin, of course, adds some perspective:

...the Nobel Prize Committee has cleared the decks for next year. Can’t you see it? “To Mahmoud Ahmadinejad — for coming to the negotiating table!” You laugh. Wait a year.

4 ความคิดเห็น:

Publius กล่าวว่า...

The timing is beautiful. Right after you wrote about the news lady who proclaimed him the worlds prom king!

Sorry you didn't get the Olympics Barack. Here, have a Nobel Peace prize.

The JerseyNut กล่าวว่า...

Ha! That's the first thing I thought of as well. I guess Claire Shipman was right...

Jkw กล่าวว่า...

...all Hail Obama. LOL

ไม่ระบุชื่อ กล่าวว่า...

Wow. When I turned on my computer and read this news, I puked. It's the first time anything on the internet has ever made me puke. And I watch a lot of porn....