วันพุธ, มีนาคม 18, 2552

Tea Parties: The Revolution Is Comin' To Jersey !

New Jersey was at times a focal point for great Revolutionary War battles...so it is about time that the Second American Revolution stirred in the Garden State (aka The People's State). We have a number of different tax revolts brewing, suggesting that the sheeple of Jersey have finally reached the breaking point with their liberal masters.

Bob Ingle reports on an "empty wallets" protest being organized by 101.5 FM, one of the most provocative political talk stations in the nation (remember when Governor Codey challenged DJ Craig Carton to a fistfight? Codey is forgotten, Codey moved up to AM Drive in NYC):

The mail has been heavier than usual since Corzine’s budget proposed doing away with the property tax deduction on the state income tax form. People are unhappy, especially when that’s combined with the comments by state Treasurer Dave Rousseau that sounded to some like he was calling beer drinkers low class.

New Jersey 101.5 FM is getting increased reaction too, which prompted the station to come up with its Empty Wallet Convoy so New Jersey residents can show Corzine and the Legislature they’ve had enough taxes, fees, lies and condescending attitude from people feathering their nests with tax money.
Starting at 8 a.m. Thursday, the station’s yellow vans will be collecting empty wallets at rest stops along the Garden State Parkway. That continues until Friday afternoon. The wallets will be delivered by The Jersey Guys, Casey Bartholomew and Ray Rossi, to the Statehouse “in a hearse signifying the death of the middle class in New Jersey.”

Businesses with vans, like plumbers, contractors, undercover private eyes etc. are invited to roll along in the convoy in a show of diversified force.

See The Empty Wallet Convoy for a pickup schedule...should be interesting...

And here's a list of Tea Parties scheduled for April 15th all across New Jersey:

City: Morristown
When: April 15, 9:00 am - 12:00pm
Where: TBA
Contact: EMAIL
Facebook Group: CLICK HERE

City: Newark
When: April 15, 12:00 pm
Where: Gateway Center One - 782 McCarter Highway, Newark Offices of Senator Lautenberg and Menendez conveniently located in the same building.
Contact: EMAIL
Other Info:Parking: 66 Edison Place, Newark
Google Map: Click Here
Facebook Group: CLICK HERE

City: Trenton
When: April 15, 11:30am - 4:00pm
Where: New Jersey State House, 125 W State St
Contact: EMAIL
Facebook Group: CLICK HERE

That one in Newark sounds quite juicy...I think I feel an April 15th sick day coming on...

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There is also a Tea Party in Vineland NJ on Landis Ave. across from the Post Office. You can find that info on Glenn Becks site for the 9-12's.. will try to find the time~

I think it is better to go to Trenton if you can... if not, find one you can get to and get there!!! Bring your Tea Bags!!!!

ไม่ระบุชื่อ กล่าวว่า...

Tea Party for South Jersey in Vineland, NJ. Contact me @, facebook, or on my website (tomsnow.serveblog.net) if you want to help.

Tom Snow

EXDem กล่าวว่า...


1600 PENN. AVE