วันพฤหัสบดี, มีนาคม 26, 2552

Planned Economy or Planned Destruction?

This cartoon is from The Chicago Tribune, circa 1934. Click to enlarge...

"Plan of Action: Under the guise of recovery - bust the government - blame the capitalists for the failure - junk the constitution and declare a ditactorship"

Dick Morris, incidentally, does think this is all part of a well-thought out plan:

The most rational explanation for Obama's puzzling conduct — sabotaging his own program by way of his own rhetoric — is that he truly wants to be forced to nationalize the banks in pursuit of his ultimate goal of a socialist economy.

Obama has to oppose nationalization today in order to achieve it tomorrow.

He has to show the country and the world that he is doing all he can to help the private sector to sort things out with government help. He must ostentatiously invite the hated demons of Wall Street to join him in rescuing the banks in order, later, to say that he did his best to avoid having to take over the banks. Only then will nationalization be an acceptable alternative — when he has run out of other options.

Even when he takes over the banks, as he almost inevitably will, he is going to have to dress up the nationalization as a temporary measure forced on him by the economy and the previously unrealized depth of the problem...

Remember how the media ridiculed John McCain and Sarah Palin for calling Barack Obama a socialist? How much better off our nation would be today had we possessed an honest media...

I'm gonna bookmark this post, for I bet we hear Morris' words repeated, verbatim, by the Teleprompter-in-Chief in the not-too-distant future...
