วันอังคาร, มีนาคม 31, 2552

Liberal Plunder of New Jersey Continues Apace !

Governor Corzine barely let the ink dry on his budget proposal containing $1.5 billion dollars in tax hikes before he figured out a way to spend a bulk of it.

On charging illegal immigrants in-state tuition cost at state colleges. Seriously. For this he's raping the private-sector taxpayer:

Illegal immigrants in New Jersey should be eligible for in-state tuition and be able to obtain drivers' licenses, a special panel says.
Those were two key recommendations of the governor's
blue-ribbon panel studying immigrant policy.

Gov. Jon Corzine said yesterday he agrees that illegal immigrants should pay in-state tuition to attend New Jersey's public colleges. But he didn't endorse the panel's recommendation that illegal immigrants be extended state driving privileges, saying that's an issue for the federal government to decide.

Maybe because, in an election year, over 60% disapprove of the idea?

So this is why Corzine raises taxes on the private sector, so that every illegal who calls a shanty "home" in New Jersey gets taxpayer-subsidized higher education. And what to the taxpayers get for their investment? Why, nothing, most likely, except a letter telling them their children will not be eligible for lower tuition rates since all those subsidies have gone to law-breakers and their children.

And as the private sector and the citizzens who compose it within New Jersey gasp for air, as its rights are taken away in favor of those whom break the law, whose cash is confiscated and redistributed to those who contribute nothing, the public sector...fights the minimal (very minimal) burden the state has asked them to carry:

Six public unions are trying to block the emergency rule allowing state workers to be furloughed one day each during May and June, two days total. Led by the CWA, they filed papers with the state appeals court.

Here's the kicker, though:

Among their complaints, the unions maintain the rule was illegally adopted because the state didn’t prove imminent peril.

Maybe we should make the state prove "imminent peril" every time they need to raise taxes. May make it harder to make the case for using taxpayer dollars on illegals...

Update: This Jersey-based protest is scheduled for today.
