วันพฤหัสบดี, มีนาคม 19, 2552

How the Stimulus Plan "Works"

Great job, Baracky:

PAWTUCKET –– In this city burdened with one of Rhode Island’s highest home foreclosure rates and a $10-million current-year budget deficit, $550,000 in federal stimulus money is coming to build a skateboarding park and renovate tennis and basketball courts at Jenks Junior High School.

“I can only spend this money” on Community Development grant projects, Cassidy said, “I can’t use it to pay for police or fire.”
Pawtucket, which for the budget year ending June 30 is facing a projected $5.2-million school budget deficit and about a $4.8- million hole on the municipal side, has cut about 40 city jobs this year.

Hope, change, and massive, massive waste.

(Ayn Rand has a similar scenario in Atlas Shrugged, when I get home I'll update...)
