วันศุกร์, มีนาคม 27, 2552

Pack Up The Road Show, Baracky...

....'cause people ain't buying what it is you gots to sell.

So what do we find after three weeks of intense political blitzing that included a presidential news conference, an appearance on Jay Leno's late-night show, a 60 Minutes interview, Democratic National Committee and third-party advertising and grass-roots work to rally the troops, and the usual sympathetic coverage from the mainstream media?

We get this:

Support for the Obama budget dropped to 39 percent [from a pre-blitz figure of 44%]. Go into the numbers and you find that the biggest drop in support came among liberals, with a nine point decrease, then moderates at eight points. For Democrats and Independents, the decrease was five points.

And this:

Voters are evenly divided over whether President Obama’s proposed $3.6 trillion budget will help or hurt the economy. The latest Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey found that 42% believe it will help the economy while 43% say it will hurt. . . Forty-percent (40%) of voters have a favorable opinion of the president’s budget while 46% have a unfavorable view.

And this:

Democrats in the Senate are talking of cutting back President Obama’s pledge of tax cuts for most Americans in the face of record deficits. But 63% of U.S. voters now say tax cuts would help the economy, according to a new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey. That’s up from 56% in February and marks the highest level found in years of tracking this question.

This won't deter the Democrats, they are on an ideological quest, and will explain everything later, after they change the nation to fit their liking. Of course, many of them might not be around after 2010 to defend their work, but...that's the price for limiting your reading material to the New York Times and your own press releases....

1 ความคิดเห็น:

Jim - PRS กล่าวว่า...

I'm amazed that 40% of those polled approve of his budget. I figure this number must represent the true Marxists and the lifelong tax takers.