วันอังคาร, มีนาคม 17, 2552

Obama Parties While America Burns

Paying taxes is for the little people. Throwing multiple parties with their hard-earned money in the middle of a crippling recession is what Democratic presidents do:

A White House aide tells POLITICO44 that Obama (O’Bama?) will be hosting two St. Patrick’s Day bashes ...... at the White House Tuesday night. The theme at the WH will be green all day. Starting at the top o the morning--or more like 11a.m. -- Obama and Joe Biden will meet with the Taoiseach of Ireland in the Oval Office. A little while later, they'll attend a Shamrock Ceremony in the Roosevelt Room.

After meeting with the Northern Ireland officials, Obama will travel to the Capitol where he will deliver remarks at Speaker Nancy Pelosi's St. Paddy's Day lunch. Then, later in the evening, Obama will deliver the remarks at not one but two St. Patrick's Day receptions at the WH, where he's hosting Irish American lawmakers and other Irish Americans, a White House aide said.

My taxes have gone so high I've gone from single-malt scotch to turpentine. Obama is taking so much of my money he can afford to throw multiple parties with it. Hmmm....change, but not a lot of hope.

Well, maybe Obama can at least tell us how much fun he had on Thursday, when he jets out to LA to appear on the Jay Leno show. He's the first sitting president ever to do so. Another first! Can you imagine George Bush going on Leno a few weeks after 9/11?

Well, all that partying can make one tired. And after all, he did do his best work on the campaign trail, and with his approval ratings sinking like a lead balloon, maybe a good yuk-fest with the slack-chinned wonder will give him an extra point or two.

But I don't know. Even the AP has got a list of complaints, which maybe they wouldn't have had if they had told the truth about Obama in the first place. Still, gotta love their self-referential style:

Behind the headlines, the Associated Press wrestles with bizarre administrative hurdles and jaw-dropping contradictions trying to use the law...

Disappointed? Chin up! At least you guys will get an invite to the parties...

3 ความคิดเห็น:

ไม่ระบุชื่อ กล่าวว่า...

Let's see ... Nancy Pelosi's St. Patty's day lunch, or being waterboarded.....?

Death is not an option.

ไม่ระบุชื่อ กล่าวว่า...

Death is always an option. In this case, the only one.

The JerseyNut กล่าวว่า...

Waterboarding is not torture.
Spending time w/ "San Fran Nan" is.
Look it up. Geneva Conventions, and all that...