วันจันทร์, มีนาคม 02, 2552


John McCain is apparently a big Twitter fan, and put out a "Top 10" list of the most porkified projects in the Omnibus Spending Bill now in front of the Senate. The comments, in blue, are all directly from the esteemed Senator himself. From the top to the bottom (sorry about the lack of drama, this is the way it copied, and I can't deal w/a re-write):

#1. $1.7 million for pig odor research in Iowa
. $2 million “for the promotion of astronomy” in Hawaii - because nothing says new jobs for average Americans like investing in astronomy

#3. $332,000 for the design and construction of a school sidewalk in Franklin, Texas - not enough $ for schools in the stimulus?
#4. $2.1 million for the Center for Grape Genetics in New York - quick peel me a grape!
#5. $650,000 for beaver management in North Carolina and Mississippi

#6. $1 million for mormon cricket control in Utah - is that the species of cricket or a game played by the brits?
#7. $300,000 for the Montana World Trade Center - enough said

#8. $200,000 "tattoo removal violence outreach program to could help gang members or others shed visible signs of their past" REALLY?
#9. $475,000 to build a parking garage in Provo City
#10. $1.7M "for a honey bee factory" in Weslaco, TX

And as Johnny Mac kept looking thru the bill, he found more...and more. He started another list, then got distracted by legislative duties (McCain probably understands the "timesink " of online social networking better than the lazy Barry O). So here's three more slices of greasy pork:

-$167,000 for the Autry National Center for the American West in Los Angeles, CA
- $143,000 to teach art energy - Art can produce energy? If so, then investing in the arts may lead to energy independence.
- $100,000 for the Central Nebraska World Trade Center

Senator McCain may have lost the election, but he did not lose any respect among ordinary Americans; in fact, even in losing, John McCain is probably more beloved now - especially as his story has now been told - than he was prior to his nomination. He would make a great voice for the opposition...

2 ความคิดเห็น:

ไม่ระบุชื่อ กล่าวว่า...

Montana vs. Nebraska. Dueling World's Trade Centers.

These politicians have absolutely no shame. None. None whatsoever.


Erica กล่าวว่า...

This is disgusting...what's next? $1.3 million for the study of grasshopper farts on the Monarch butterfly population?