วันศุกร์, มีนาคม 13, 2552

Polls: Corzine To Get Ass Kicked

This is good news for anyone who has hope of rescuing the People's State Of New Jersey from its long descent into socialist night:

New Jersey’s Democratic Governor Jon S. Corzine, who hopes to win a second term in November, has now fallen behind Republican challenger Christopher J. Christie by 15 points – 49% to 34%. The latest Rasmussen Reports telephone survey of voters in the state shows that seven percent (7%) prefer some other candidate, and 10% are undecided.

Corzine trails another potential GOP challenger, former Bogota Mayor Steve Lonegan, 43% to 35%, while seven percent (7%) like another candidate and 15% are not sure whom they prefer. New Jersey Republicans will chose a candidate to run against Corzine in a primary on June 2.

"There are no good numbers for Gov. Jon Corzine in this poll, and since it was taken before his Draconian budget was released, his numbers could be even worse today," Clay F. Richards, assistant director of the Quinnipiac University Polling Institute, said in the release accompanying the poll.

The strong desire of New Jerseyans to see anyone else but Corzine in the state house has to be taken as a good sign. He will be hard pressed, at the very least, to win a second term. No cakewalkm despite his millions, and he will have lots of 'splaining to do to the voters of New Jersey along the way.

Yes, it's early yet, but...one can still dream, right?

Hat tip: Save Jersey

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