วันพุธ, พฤศจิกายน 12, 2551

So 78% of the Jews vote for Obama....

....and boy, did they get exactly what they paid for - an administration that is staunchly anti-Israel:

Last December, when the Obama campaign put out a press release listing Robert Malley as a campaign advisor, there was a small uproar. Though Malley had worked on Middle East issues for the Clinton campaign, he was viewed with a great deal of suspicion by the Jewish community — Malley's father, journalist Simon Malley, was a friend of Arafat's and generally seen as a PLO sympathizer.

Well, after he left the Clinton administration he wrote a series of essays for the New York Review of Books that were widely viewed as anti-Israel. Marty Peretz called Malley "deceitful" and said he is "a rabid hater of Israel. No question about it."

After it became known Malley was working on the campaign and the ensuing backlash, the Obama campaign immediately issued a statement saying Malley was only giving the campaign "informal advice."

Then in May, the London Times reported that Malley — who wasn't supposed to be working on the campaign — had been sacked from a post on the campaign's Middle East advisory council because he had recently held meetings with Palestinian terrorist group Hamas.

...now sources are reporting "Aides said Obama had sent senior foreign policy adviser Robert Malley to Egypt and Syria over the last few weeks to outline the Democratic candidate's policy on the Middle East."


-Obama has kept an well-known anti-Israeli advisor on staff for the better part of a year now, and has lied about it throughout.
-Obama, now as president-elect, has made this "hater" a "senior foreign policy advisor" and has sent him off to Egypt and Syria. Not yet Israel, as far as I can see.
-Obama consistantly told Jewish groups he would be a staunch supporter of Israel, yet has been selling them out to Arab interests from day one of his campaign.

Geez...what the f**k do you expect from a guy who spent 20 years in the pews of an anti-Semitic church? From a guy who can't wait to talk with terrorists, with Mahmoud Ahmadinejad?

This is what happens, incidentally, when a group is taken (rightfully) for granted by a political party. Said partywill pay them some lip service, and propmtly screw them the first time it is expedient, knowing the suckers will always come back for more.

Trust me, my fellow Yids...this is going to get way, way worse before it gets better...

UPDATE: More on Malley here - video, in fact ...watch Obama's Man in the Middle East at the June 2007 American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee Conference in Washington DC, sharing the stage with radical anti-Israel academic Sarah Roy and Palestinian diplomat Alif Safieh:

“I think most of us in this room know what a solution would look like if there is going to be a viable and fair solution, we could get into the details, but I don’t think that’s a mystery anymore ...”
