วันอังคาร, พฤศจิกายน 11, 2551

A Diet of "Hope"...

....will not fill the bellies of the hungry, spiritually or materially.

Christopher Hitchens (who I don't appreciate much) makes more than a few valid points in Slate:

Those who think that they have just voted to legalize Utopia (and I hardly exaggerate when I say this; have you been reading the moist and trusting comments of our commentariat?) are preparing for a disillusionment that I very much doubt they will blame on themselves. The national Treasury is an echoing, empty vault; our Russian and Iranian enemies are acting even more wolfishly even as they sense a repudiation of Bush-Cheney; the lines of jobless and evicted are going to lengthen, and I don't think a diet of hope is going to cover it. Nor even a diet of audacity.....

More worrying still, there are vicious enemies and rogue states in increasing positions of influence throughout the world...yet many Obama voters appear to believe that the mere charm and aspect of their new president will act as an emollient influence on these unwelcome facts and these hostile forces.

And what happens to the leader who - after gaining office by promising that by mere rhetoric he can achieve what others, by tireless labor, have been unable to - fails to deliver the goods to his starving populace?

Violent overthrow, in some nations, loss of elected office with due prejudice in American politics. Obama, beware of your promises, for you have convinced 52% of the American people that they have a hole in their hearts - and stomachs, and wallets - that only you can fill. Should the desires -and new entitlements, and hitero-unknown needs - that you created remain unfulfilled, I don't think even your fawning media circle will be able to save you or your party...
