วันอาทิตย์, พฤศจิกายน 16, 2551

Barack Carter offers "Hope" !

Barack Obama makes his first post-election radio address; in which we learn that everything sucks, and the only way to save America is by "sacrifice", and by granting the Democrat's legislative wish list:

That means putting two million Americans to work rebuilding our crumbling roads, bridges, and schools. It means investing $150 billion to build an American green energy economy that will create five million new jobs, while freeing our nation from the tyranny of foreign oil, and saving our planet for our children. It means making health care affordable for anyone who has it, accessible for anyone who wants it, and reducing costs for small businesses. And it also means giving every child the world-class education they need to compete with any worker, anywhere in the world.

Doing all this will require not just new policies, but a new spirit of service and sacrifice, where each of us resolves to pitch in and work harder and look after not only ourselves, but each other. If this financial crisis has taught us anything, it’s that we cannot have a thriving Wall Street while Main Street suffers....

Yeah, yeah, whatever. Sounds like he's still trying to fob off his personal responsibility for his piss-poor African brother and his beloved slum-dwelling Boston "Auntie" on the federal government...

Sweet Jeebus - I mean really, at least Jimmy Carter waited three years into his term before giving his infamous "malaise" speech...

And what does our crack mainstream media say about all this?

"OMG! He put his speech on YouTube...!!"

