วันอังคาร, พฤศจิกายน 25, 2551

Did Wacko Judge Cause AG's Faint?

As is well known, last week Attorney General Michael Mukasey fainted at a Federalist Society dinner while giving a speech. His episode occured shortly after he was heckled by an unknown man in the audience.

Well, unknown at that particular time. James Taranto has more:

It appears that the man who heckled Attorney General Michael Mukasey--shouting "Tyrant! You are a tyrant!"--was a (state) Supreme Court justice from Washington.

On Friday's episode of Fox News Channel's "The O'Reilly Factor," Wendy Long of the Judicial Confirmation Network identified the heckler as Justice Richard B. Sanders of the Washington state Supreme Court. We emailed Sanders last night asking if he was the heckler. We have not received a response.

We were seated close enough to the heckler to note that he was at Table 50--Sanders's assigned table, according to the dinner program.....

Easy enough to write this off as just another sick liberal brimming with Bush Derangement Syndrome, but the fact that he is a state Supreme Court jurist certainly gives one pause. Some of the angry and immature rants on his website certainly do not build any confidence in this man's already questionable character.

According to his bio:

... since taking his seat on the Supreme Court, Justice Sanders has served as an adjunct professor teaching appellate advocacy at the UW School of Law...

Well, perhaps his contemporaries at this institution of "higher learning" are pleased by his purile outburst; and I am sure he can brag to his comrades at the next departmental function how he took the United States Attorney General down a peg. The fact that he might have almost caused his death, of course, will be sauce for the goose amongst the University crowd...

Well, "Washington represents!", I guess, and I hope the state is proud of their elected jurist. Personally, if there is a judicial misconduct code that covers heckling a public official, it should be applied to Judge Sanders with extreme prejudice. At the very least, one suspects that he did not "maintain the dignity appropriate to judicial office", as required by Washington statute.

It is the state of Washington though, a liberal hellhole where this type of behavior is condoned rather than condemned. He'll likely get re-elected, and when what goes around finanlly comes around, the people of Washington will whine and scream like the little bitches they apparently are....

Incidentally - if this was a Democratic AG who was heckled into a faint by a conservative nutjob judge, don't you think the media would have paid a bit more attention to the identity of the culprit? Just asking, is all....
