วันจันทร์, พฤศจิกายน 24, 2551

Here Come The Radicals!

The media is thrilled with Obama's so-called moderate appointments; even some on the right are becoming complacent with what they see as virtually a second Clinton presidency (hey, we survived the first one, there is comfort in familiarity).

But these are the type of people we can also expect to see in the halls of power with Barack Obama as president:

Ellen Moran, executive director of EMILY’s List, was named White House communications director by President-elect Obama on Saturday.

Moran, a well-known grassroots organizer, has also managed statewide Democratic campaigns and managed the Wal-Mart corporate accountability campaign for the AFL-CIO.

EMILY's List, one of the most important Democratic constituency groups, says it is "dedicated to building a progressive America by electing Democratic pro-choice women to office."

So let's see - an outspoken advocate for slaughtering as many unborn Americans as may be convenient will now become the face of the administration. A woman who worked as hard as she could to bring down Wal-Mart - the great American economic equalizer and perhaps the only place where many folks will even be able to shop this holiday season - will have the President's ear. A woman who wants to build a "progressive" America (read: radically liberal) that caters to the whims of her upscale backers. A woman who will have no problem destroying another women (ie: Sarah Palin) if she gets in her way of putting a McBortions on every street corner. A lobbyist for a radical left-wing mailing list - that's who Ellen Moran is.

Amd that is whom Obama has chosen to be his director of administration communications, to the rest of America and to the rest of the world. How glumly appropriate.

2 ความคิดเห็น:

ไม่ระบุชื่อ กล่าวว่า...

I know you wre being a bit flip, but I wouldn't say we survived the Clinton Presidency. Not considering what happened on 9/11.

The JerseyNut กล่าวว่า...

Funny, I paused when I wrote that line with the same thought in mind!

Well, we did "survive" his presidency, but as you note, just barely. We paid for it in 2001, just as we are still paying for the mistakes of Jimmy Carter.

With Iran fast on its way to having a nuclear arsenal, ironically it may be the Carter presidency that we do not survive...