วันพฤหัสบดี, พฤศจิกายน 06, 2551

Obama Wins, Media Soils Itself

I cannot believe some of the sheer dreck being trotted out by the mainstream media in the wake of Obama's victory....I've seen more sober writing on Kos, fer chrissakes.

William Kole of the AP is a douchebag - seriously. Kind of guy you want to punch in the face the minute you meet them, or the moment they open their mouths.

Suddenly, it may be cool to be an American again

Nothing was said, but the message was clear: Today, we are all Americans...

I'll never forget a ride in a taxi in Vienna when the world was waking up to the abuses wrought by U.S. troops at the detention center for suspected terrorists at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba.
My driver, a Muslim, was indignant. "You are American, yes?" he asked in that accusatory tone so familiar to many expats.

"Uh, no, Canadian," I said.

And it wasn't the first time I fudged where I was from. I speak three foreign languages, so I have a bit of flexibility when it comes to faking. At various times, I've been a German in Serbia, a Frenchman in Turkey, a Dutchman in Austria.

....my best friend and training partner — who is French — just gave me his stamp of approval.
"Will you wear your Stars and Stripes shirt now? You're allowed!" he told me.

What a tool. Hey *sshole, glad you're only ashamed to be an American when Republicans are in power!

And he's to stupid - or needy - to realize that all these people suddenly love him not simply because Obama was elected president, but because Obama promised to change America (not just Washington, mind you). Your Eurotrash compadres realizes that he intends to make America less that what it is, not more, or better.
Great, unbiased, choice for an AP bureau chief, by the way...

I hate celebrities:

Madonna, Oprah, other celebs react to Obama's win

Oprah Winfrey, who cried during the celebration in Chicago's Grant Park, told the TV show "The Insider": "I was so, so, so excited and then just sort of a calm came over me. It feels like it actually is kind of real, so it feels great.

Actress Scarlett Johansson, who stumped for Obama throughout his campaign, said the "overwhelming hope that Obama inspires is infectious."
"I've always maintained a strong faith in the power of Obama's positive campaign and am so proud of every citizen who took a stand, participated in the political process and insisted their voices be heard," Johansson said in a statement.

Reacting on her Myspace page, Lohan gushed, "OBAMA IS OUR PRESIDENT!" and said that everyone who voted, "no matter their choice ... should be proud for voting in the first place."

Gee, thanks Lindsay, I was just so nowhere before your affirmation...

More bad 20-something writing, with snark for added value:

While Obama's eloquent victory speech moved me to tears, unfortunately so did Michelle's dress. Barack looked sharp as can be in a dark navy suit, which was custom made by Hart Schaffner Marx, but I just wasn't feeling Michelle's splotchy red and black Narciso Rodriguez frock.

Michelle isn't one-half the woman that Sarah Palin is, incidentally. For that matter, Barack is not one-half the man that Sarah Palin is...

Oh, and finally - the world can go f*ck itself:

World celebrates Obama victory

TOKYO -- Across the globe, people in city squares and living rooms, ballrooms and villages cheered the election of Barack Obama as U.S. president, raising hopes that America's first black commander in chief would herald a less confrontational America.

People crowded before TVs or listened to blaring radios for the latest updates. In Sydney, Australians filled a hotel ballroom. In Rio, Brazilians partied on the beach. In the town of Obama, in Japan, dancers cheered in delight when their namesake's victory was declared.

"This is an enormous outcome for all of us," said John Wood, the former New Zealand ambassador to the U.S. "We have to hope and pray that President Obama can move forward in ways which are constructive and beneficial to all of us."

Yeah, and you better hope and pray for additional "Lord of the Rings" sequels, Mr Wood, or your country is bankrupt...

You know, I can take the Obama victory, because with it the seeds of a revived Republican party are planted. But it's the unrepentent media, still in the tank for Obama, that will drive me up the flippin' wall...

1 ความคิดเห็น:

knowitall กล่าวว่า...

The mainstream media illuminati should be real excited. They won an election, and they weren't even running. Their liberal associates were.