วันเสาร์, พฤศจิกายน 01, 2551

Obama Loss = Election Theft = Race War !

Seems like that's the meme that the AP is pushing in this premature dispatch entitled, "Cautious joy as blacks imagine Obama win".

Well, maybe the AP shouldn't put out the idea that this is a sure thing for Obama in the first place? After all, what happens if whitey cheats? Oh, don't worry, the AP has that covered:

Obama's potential victory represents a previously unimaginable triumph over centuries of racism. But beneath the hope and pride lies fear: of polling inaccuracy, voting chicanery, or the type of injustice and violence that have historically stymied African-American progress.

Left unmentioned: An electorate that decides that Barack Obama is not the right choice for the country at this time. Because that's simply impossible, right?

With even some Republicans using the word "miracle" to characterize the prospect of a victory by GOP candidate John McCain, given his lagging poll numbers, the shock of an Obama loss would be almost incalculable for many blacks...

With the assumption now in place that the only way Obama can lose is via "injustice" and theft, this is the ugliness that ensues:

Paul Durr of Guys, Tenn., voted early last week. "I was jumping up and down," he said. "The other people in line thought I was crazy."
"If Obama wins, and I know he's going to win, it will pull this country together in terms of race relations," said Durr, who owns a cemetery monument company and is mayor of Guys, pop. 500.

"He has to win," Durr said. "If he doesn't, I think you'll see this country — I'm afraid to say what I think would happen the next day. I don't even want to think that way."

Is that a threat, mayor? Your guy wins or you riot and overturn the vote, Third-World style? Well, that certainly is a bit of a "change..."

Hey, relax, it's OK. Because even if Obama wins, you can still blame whitey for all the troubles in the world! Just ask any college intellectual!

"The empire is in decline, the culture is in decay, the democracy is in trouble, financial markets near collapse," said Princeton professor Cornel West. "It's almost Biblical. And you can imagine what the black brothers and sisters in the barbershops and beauty salons say: 'Right when the thing is about to go under, they hand it over to the black man.'"

We'll end with more brainwashed kids:
"A lot of these kids have no hope, it's day in, day out, same thing. They can't look forward to anything different. But a lot of these kids are excited. I have a 6-year-old grandson, and that's all he talks about, 'Obama, vote for Obama, don't vote for John McCain.' My 4-year-old granddaughter told me last night, 'Not John McCain.'

Geez, who are they polling now, Helen Lovejoy?

2 ความคิดเห็น:

knowitall กล่าวว่า...

We didn't see what would happen, because he won. I bet it would have been different had the left-wing illuminati lost, but see how peaceful the GOP were.

knowitall กล่าวว่า...

The only people to play the race card were the left-wing illuminati and the media. The GOP didn't, and they didn't play the sexist card.