วันเสาร์, พฤศจิกายน 15, 2551

Hollywood Elites, Internet Geeks Unite !

...to create an organization that they believe - infused with the power of celebrity and geekiness - will save the world.

Or not:

A website launched Friday with the backing of technology industry and Hollywood elite urges people worldwide to help craft a framework for harmony between all religions.

The Charter for Compassion project springs from a "wish" granted this year to religious scholar Karen Armstrong at a premier Technology, Entertainment and Design (TED) conference in California.
"Tedizens" include Google founders Larry Page and Sergey Brin along with other Internet icons as well as celebrities such as Forest Whittaker and Cameron Diaz.
Wishes granted at TED envision ways to better the world and come with a promise that Tedizens will lend their clout and capabilities to making them come true.

Armstrong's wish is to combine universal principles of respect and compassion into a charter based on a "golden rule" she believes is at the core of every major religion...
"The chief task of our time is to build a global society where people of all persuasions can live together in peace and harmony," Armstrong said.
"If we do not achieve this, it seems unlikely that we will have a viable world to hand on to the next generation."

Charter for Compassion invites people from "all faiths, nationalities, languages and backgrounds" to help draft statements of principles and actions that should be taken.

Where to I begin with this project of vanity and conceit? OK, how about with this statement:

The only religion in the world that does not live in peace and harmony with their neighbors is Islam.

I don't see Catholics blowing up Jews in Europe - or anywhere else - unless perhaps I am missing something? And who is it that is waging a constant terror war against the peaceful peoples of India? The Zen Buddhists? No, it's the Muslims, of course. The same Muslims that have turned the Middle East, the birthplace of civilization, into a 12th-century hate zone where people of all religions are persecuted and executed - unless, of course, you bow to Islam. The sad truth is , wherever there is a border with a Muslim country, there is chaos, and strife.

So what is the purpose of this celebrity/Google-funded project? To make Islam a more peaceful religion, one able to coexist with its neighbors and be more accepting of differing values? Or to force all the other faiths to compromise their freedoms and beliefs in order to lessen the offense to their Muslim masters?

The conceit, and mental simplicity, on display here is unbelievable. The site actually contains a Council of Sages that is described as a multi-faith, multi-national group of religious thinkers and leaders.

As a Jew, I can only speak to my own people, so let me see whom Forest Whittaker and Larry Page have chosen as my leaders:

Baroness Julia Neuberger DBE became a rabbi in 1977, and served the South London Liberal Synagogue for twelve years....Until recently she chaired the Commission on the Future of Volunteering, is President of Liberal Judaism, and last year was appointed the Prime Minister's Champion for Volunteering.

Rabbi Awraham Soetendorp is currently rabbi of the Reform Jewish Community of The Hague, and rabbi of the Union of Dutch Reform Jewish Communities.

Note both Rabbis are Reform/Liberal - the most left-wing segments of the Jewish faith - and yet they have been appointed by our elite to represent all Jews in this coming together/bowing down ritual. Well, they do not represent me; and I would daresay that the other "sages" annointed by GoogleWood are similarly more representative of extreme segments of their faith, as opposed to the mainstream.

And what the f**k is this "Baroness" sh*t, anyway?

There is a certain Obama-istic feel to all this as well - assuming one big kumbaya with non-elected representatives can solve all the world's problems...

Too bad real life is more complicated than reading lines in a movie script, or internet code-writing. Otherwise these guys would be the masters of the universe that they crave to be, rather than just well-known within their own domains...

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Islam: Convert, submit or die.

Kinda tough to cozy up to that, methinks.