วันเสาร์, พฤศจิกายน 29, 2551

Hey Obama! Your Radicals Are Showing...

For every "pragmatic" high-level appointee Barack Obama makes, he hands a lower profile - but sometimes equally important - position to a liberal radical. Here, for instance....

And today Gateway Pundit reports on the return of the positively loathesome anti-Israeli, anti-Semite Samantha Power to Barack Obama's team of advisors:

State Department officials said Friday that Samantha Power is among foreign policy experts the president-elect's office selected to help the incoming administration prepare for Clinton's anticipated nomination as secretary of state. The Obama transition team's Web site includes Power's name as one of 14 members of the "Agency Review Team" for the State Department.

This is the same Samantha Power who accused Israel of human rights violations....

See here for a horrific clip of this hateful, elitist, clueless wretch in action. She uses code words and phrases - snickering through some of them, unable to keep a straight face - such as the need to "alienate a domestic constituency of tremendous political and financial import".

Say it Sammy! Say Jeeeeewwwwwwwwsssss, just the way your filthy terrorist buddies do!

What policies does Samantha Powers endorse for the Middle East? If you work your way through the video's code words, it's pretty simple:

1) “Alienate” the American Jewish community, and indeed all Americans, such as evangelical Christians, who support the state of Israel, because 2) Israeli leaders are “destroying the lives of their own people.” 3) Pour billions of dollars of the taxpayers’ money into “the new state of Palestine”; 4) Stage an American ground invasion of Israel and the Palestinian territories — what else can she mean by a “mammoth protection force” and a “military presence” that will be “imposed” by “external intervention”? — in order to do the exact same thing that she considers the height of arrogance and foolishness in Iraq: an American campaign to remake an Arab society; 5) and Ariel Sharon and Yassir Arafat were on the same moral level

In the last one, she quotes New York Times columnist Thomas Friedman as her source. Great. An Upper West Side psuedo-intellectual, who plays Sunday Times quote games with her liberal girlfriends over brunch...

I wrote abouth this know-nothing bitch back in Feb '08 in a post entitled Barack Obama: "Hope" for More Anti-Semitism? Here was some of her "blame Israel first" rhetoric at that time:

... America’s important historic relationship with Israel has often led foreign policy decision-makers to defer reflexively to Israeli security assessments, and to replicate Israeli tactics, which, as the war in Lebanon last summer demonstrated, can turn out to be counter-productive.

And here is another arena where she is the spiritual sister of Barack Obama - the "victims" of Guantanamo Bay:

To strip a group of individuals – no matter what blood some number of them have on their hands – of the most fundamental constitutional rights sends a signal to the rest of the world that there are two sets of human rights that we believe in: one robust set that Americans get to enjoy, and another much diminished set that those perceived as hostile to us get to enjoy.

And what the hell is wrong with that? Can't one free every killer and child molestor from our prison system on the same grounds? Holy sweet Jeebus....

So fear not, hardcore Lefties, liberal radicals, and changeophiles! Change is coming in the Obama administration, and it is the best kind of all - that which will likely kill thousands of Jews!

So be patient, let him appoint his high-profile moderates, and watch with hidden glee whom he leans on for advice and guidance; whom is appointed to his panels of "experts".

Obama's playing a distraction game while slipping in more and more radical-thinking personnel into his inner circle. But he's smart enough to know the media will fall for it; they're too busy watching the pretty birdie to notice that the magician stacking the deck...

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I'm still waiting for William Ayers as Sec of Education!

Your right, he is playing a "sleight of hand" game, and when the cards are all dealt, we'll see a lot mroe jokers than the media bothered to tell us about.