วันเสาร์, พฤศจิกายน 01, 2551

Girl in a Bubble...

...the Hollywood bubble, the thickest and stupidest one there is.

Hey, Hayden Panettiere may only be 19, but the "Heroes" starlett can do economics like only a LA idiot can:

“I don’t know if anyone would complain about under-taxing to be completely honest,” Panettiere told CNSNews.com. “Personally, I’d rather have higher taxes and help other people who need those tax breaks more.”


Ain’t she a saint, folks? She’s like Mother Teresa, but without all the gross wrinkles and stuff...

And our future little Nobel Prize winner whispers a secret in our ear, the secret of Obama's success, the secret to his "insurmountable" lead in the polls...why, it's all because of people like her - Hayden Panettiere!

"One of the major reasons why, especially young people, have come out and done so much to play a part in this election and who are really getting out there and voting this time around — is because of the celebrity endorsements, because of how popular this election has become, and how much in the news, and how much it’s taken over, you know, our society,” said Panettiere, who plays “Claire Bennett” on the hit NBC Show, “Heroes.”

I can't wait to hear the howls of rightous indignation that emanates from HollywoodLand when Obama is defeated...while conversely, I dread the spate of alternate-universe-Obama-as-president movies that will surely follow...

2 ความคิดเห็น:

ไม่ระบุชื่อ กล่าวว่า...

Yes, the tears are going to be especially delicious this year. It was pretty great when Kerry lost, but I think they kind of realized that he was a terrible candidate. This time they have no clue how terrible a candidate Obama is.

knowitall กล่าวว่า...

So the left-wing illuminati had lots of celebrities backing them, that says nothing about experience in foreign policy, or on the economy.