วันเสาร์, พฤศจิกายน 08, 2551

CNN Slides Into The Abyss...

Yeah, I know, they have already fallen in, but even the deepest, darkest crevice has its points where one can still drop even further...

CNN sells Obama victory t-shirts on it's main web site, with the CNN logo on the shirt..... The bias is so deep and so ingrained that they can't even imagine that selling political t-shirts celebrating the victory of a specific candidate might not be perceived as... how should I put this? FAIR AND BALANCED.

But I'm sure, with the election of the McCain/Palin ticket, CNN would have put out the very same "historic victory" t-shirt with their logo, right? After all, first female Vice-President and all that....?

Right? Or am I missing something here?

1 ความคิดเห็น:

knowitall กล่าวว่า...

Yeah, they would have sold t-shirts, but the mainstream media illuminati wouldn't have put the word inspired, that I'm positive of.