วันพุธ, พฤศจิกายน 05, 2551

"Be Careful What You Wish For....

...'cause you might just get it".

That's where Steven Den Beste (formally of the USS Clueless, now the online master of Japanese animation) is coming from with his post Not The End of the World:

I think this election is going to be a "coming of age" moment for a lot of people. They say, "Be careful what you wish for" and a lot of people got their wish yesterday.
And now they're bound to be disappointed. Not even Jesus could satisfy all the expectations of Obama's most vocal supporters, or fulfill all the promises Obama has made.

I think Obama is going to turn out to be the worst president since Carter, and for the same reason: good intentions do not guarantee good results. Idealists often stub their toes on the wayward rocks of reality, and fall on their faces. And the world doesn't respond to benign behavior benignly.

But there's another reason why: Obama has been hiding his light under a basket. A lot of people bought a pig in a poke today, and now they're going to find out what they bought. Obama isn't what most of them think he is. The intoxication of the cult will wear off, leaving a monumental hangover.

And four years from now they'll be older and much wiser.

And he closes with a flourish:

Obama got elected by making himself a blank slate, with vapid promises about "hope" and "change" -- but now he actually has to do something. Now he has to reveal his true agenda. And with the Democrats also having a majority in both chambers of Congress, now the Democrats really have to lead. And they're not going to do a very good job of it. It's going to be amusing to watch.

And the people who fell for the demagoguery will learn an invaluable lesson...

They've learned the danger of falling for charismatics in Europe in the '30's; now wwe get to experience the fun first-hand.

I guess being told "don't touch the stove - it's hot !!" is not as an effective teaching tool as actually getting burned by it...

1 ความคิดเห็น:

knowitall กล่าวว่า...

They wished for wealth spreading, so the socialist illuminati is what they got, good luck!