วันอังคาร, พฤศจิกายน 04, 2551

Barack Obama and the 10th Commandment

There's something that always bothered me about Obama's economic and social policies on a visceral level, something that rang so wrong when I heard him perpetrate class warfare, and vow to wring the monies out of the profitable. For a while I thought it was his snide references - and depreciation of - the works of Ayn Rand, my favorite contemperary philospher.

But there was always something else. And today, I figured it out in one of those flashes of insight that has you running to a Reborn coworker shouting, "Dude! Can I check out your Bible for a sec?"

The Old Testament, Exodus 20:17 - the Tenth Commandment:

You shall not covet your neighbor's house; you shall not covet your neighbor's wife nor his male servant nor his female servant nor his ox nor his donkey nor anything that is your neighbor's.

Is not Barack Obama asking us to forget about God's Tenth Commandment the way he wants us to forget about Reverend Wright and William Ayers? For in his cry to tax everyone making over $250,000 (Wait! I meant $200K! no, $150K! sorry, $125K! Can I get $80K?) is he not telling us to look at our neighbor - our countrymen, our fellow citizen - and to covet his wealth, should he have more than you? Does Obama not tell you that you in fact have a right to whatever your neighbor has that is in excess of yours, and that he will extort it from him and return a portion of it back to you, all in exchange for...your vote?

This last commandment is quite open to interpetation, but it seems fairly straightforward that God is instructing us not to lust after a neigbor's possessions, for it is poison to the soul. And yet it seems as Obama is trying to feed us this very poison as food, and tell us this lust is good, natural, and can be fulfilled.

All at a price, though. For power, for him. And as he decides who will get which handouts, he can better control the people, and thus make them subjects as opposed to citizens.

Look, I'm not saying he's the Anti-Christ, but....

To elect Barack Obama is to repudiate a fundemental part of our historical moral grounding, one which has served us amazingly well over the last few hundred years. Be you devoted or atheist, most people can agree that the 10 Commandments are a pretty strong, very basic guide to acting humanely as a society, within a community, and among a family.

We should think long and hard before gleefully overthrowing one of them, as we as a nation react in panic to the world around us, running furiously away from the worries of household and war, and into the arms of a smooth-talking charismatic offering us the promise of some sort of ..."change"...

3 ความคิดเห็น:

ไม่ระบุชื่อ กล่าวว่า...

Wow. Great stuff, Nut! Very thought provoking.

The JerseyNut กล่าวว่า...

Thanks, GSP!
Looks like we have a long road ahead of us...

knowitall กล่าวว่า...

The left-wing illuminati are going to take every right away from us, and they have said it, but no one listened.