วันพุธ, กันยายน 03, 2551

"Sneering" at Sarah Palin

Gee, a slightly less-than-positive response to the Sarah Palin VP pick by the Left and their lapdogs in the mainstream media, huh?

The Wall Street Journal has it diagnosed right today:

Even as the Obama camp ponders how best to handle John McCain's veep pick of Sarah Palin, the high priests and priestesses of the media have marked her as an apostate. The Beltway class is in full-throated rebellion against a nondomesticated conservative who might pose a threat to their coronation of Barack Obama and the return of Camelot-on-the-Potomac...

They want a VP to be a kind of parliamentary choice, someone they have already vetted, someone who's made them laugh with insider jokes at the Gridiron dinner...

What's really going on here is that the Beltway class can see how popular the Palin pick is with Republicans outside Washington, and especially with middle-class conservatives....

And what the WSJ does not say (but should) to that last point is, "...so they are throwing everything but the kitchen sink at her in order to stop her ascent in middle-America's consciousness". That "everything" includes sexism and regionalism, which I am just now learning is a hate crime when used against Democrats, but fine and dandy as a weapon against Republican women.

Over at The Plank, there is fair warning posted to the Democrats:

She's just a small town mayor, just a hockey mom, just a beauty pageant queen. Palin has never shunned these belittling monikers, in part, I imagine, because the camouflage has served her so well. Soothed by the litany, her opponents tend to sleep too late, sneer too much, and forget who it is that hires them.

....what the Democrats seem poised to miss now--is that she is a true political savant; a candidate with a knack for identifying the key gripes of the populace and packaging herself as the solution. That keen political nose has enabled her to routinely outperform her resume. Nearly two years into her administration, she still racks up approval ratings of 80 per cent or better.

But in probing this candidate, it would behoove the Democrats and the pundits to shed the notion that they are dealing with some dimwitted bumpkin (Dan Quayle seems to come up a lot lately) who’s going to start crying when they ask her to name the president of Azerbaijan; or that Palin is the townie who was brought into the Skull & Bones initiation night for the amusement of all; or that somehow the prom queen ballots got mixed up with the Alaska gubernatorial poll. Trivialize her at your own peril.

Sarah Palin is a living reminder that the ultimate source of political power in this country is not the Kennedy School or the Davos Summit or an Ariana Huffington salon; even now, power emanates from the electorate itself. More precisely, power in 2008 emanates from the working class electorates of Pennsylvania and Ohio...

The media is going to be faced with its disconnect shortly: Bash Sarah for "inexperience", and you need to then explain what Obama has done better. Compare her to a latter-day Quayle (despite the fact she has not committed gaffe one), and you have to face up to Obama's "57 states" and his many, many other verbal faux paus. Question her devotion to her family and you raise the ugly spectre of misogyny, which will only drive those middle class woman to throw their bodies in front of her, and cast their vote for her. You want to bring up the so-called Alaskan "troopergate scandal"? Fine, let's talk Bill Ayers as well.....

This media line of attack on Sarah Palin is hurting Obama more than helping him, but their partisanship and sheer distaste for the Republican party is making them blind as well as stupid. But please, don't stop on my account.

Again: McCain/Palin. In a rout....
