วันอาทิตย์, กันยายน 21, 2551

Kiss Florida Goodbye, Baracky...

....so much for your vaunted "50 state strategy"; you better get scramblin' in order to keep the "blue base".

So a little lady from Alaska strolls into Florida yesterday, and what do we see?

Sarah Palin tonight attracted the largest crowd yet to any Republican campaign event this cycle, drawing tens of thousands of Floridians out in a conservative-leaning retirement community north of Orlando for a solo rally. Exactly how many voters Palin, making her first campaign trek to the Sunshine State, had in The Villages is uncertain. Mike Tucker, a local fire marshal, estimated 60,000. But reporters on the ground, including AP's Brendan Farrington and my colleague Ken Vogel, would only say "tens of thousands..."

So somewhere between 30-60,000, I'm guessing, assuming the AP isn't trying to bring the figure down a bit for personal reasons...anyway:

Regardless, the size of the crowd underscores just how enthused conservatives are for Palin and the sort of buzz she's still able to drive nearing a month after her introduction as John McCain's running mate.
....the Florida GOP is saying tonight that Palin's crowd broke state attendance records. At the very least, it outpaced the 15,000 President Bush drew to the retirement community four years ago.

To reiterate: An Alaska governor who was virtually unknown a month ago and is the number two on the presidential ticket may have doubled or tripled the crowd for a sitting president.

Seems like people are ready for change - and they've found it in McCain/Palin. Methinks Baracky should hit Michigan right around now; 'cause if he can't win the class war there, he's toast, Kerry-style.
