วันเสาร์, กันยายน 13, 2551

New Jersey Awakens? Nah...

...this poll looks good, but it will likely be the last positive sign we see coming out of New Jersey before it turns its usual liberal blue in November (don't stop 'till you've completely destroyed the state, folks!). Still, hope springs eternal, so here goes:

Barack Obama's lead over John McCain in "blue state" New Jersey is in single digits - with the Democratic nominee holding a scant three-point lead when "leaning" voters are factored in, a surprising poll found yesterday.

The survey from the Marist College Polling Institute shows Obama snaring 47 percent to the Republican McCain's 40 percent among voters who are solid in their decision.
But when voters leaning toward one side but not firm in their decision are factored in, the spread only favors Obama by 48 to 45.

Although I do not expect Blew Jersey to changes its colors, the tightening of the race here harkens back to October 2004, when Bush started to close on Kerry, and his campaign had to spend time and money in what should have been a reliable state, in order to shore up his base.

And if it is getting tight in Jersey, you can bet the "purple" states are getting redder every day. To wit:

"If New Jersey remains in trouble for Obama, he's probably doing worse in places like Pennsylvania and Ohio," which are true battlegrounds.

Like I said, hope ....
