วันจันทร์, กันยายน 22, 2551

Jews, Free Thyselves!

If it seems as if many Jews have replaced the "Judiasm" part of their faith with liberal orthodoxy, well, it's true. Being a good liberal seems to go over better at the synagouge than being a good Jew, and that's a danger sign.

But this type of devotion is hard to break, as most Jews would sooner give up their Judiasm than their liberalism and their blind fealty to the Democratic Party. A party whom pulled out of today's protest of Iran's Ahmadinejad because the organizers had the nerve to invite Sarah Palin (A Republican? gasp!) to speak, along with Hillary Clinton. A party who then used political threats against Jewish interest groups to pressure the rally organizers to force Sarah Palin to be disinvited, meaning that there will be no high-profile politician serving notice at this rally that Ahmadinejad's insanity will not go unchecked.

And yet, the Jews, like lemmings, continue to swim in the Democratic stream, even with a standard bearer who surrounds himself with more anti-Israeli advisors than any candidate in known history. Roger Simon pleads for sanity from our people:

The virtual night of the long knives played out between the Democratic Party and various Jewish organizations surrounding the Iran demonstration, including allegations that party operatives were threatening the loss of tax exempt status over Sarah Palin’s appearance, with more unpleasant revelations undoubtedly to come, is obviously causing people to reconsider this allegiance to the Democratic Party that approaches fealty.

I urge my fellow Jews to keep thinking about this and not to retreat into the cocoon-like safety of an outmoded tradition. Change is difficult. But remember that Hillary Clinton – that paragon of the Democratic Party, a woman who calls herself a “progressive” - was willing to forego the protest of the man who is arguably the most significant enemy of the Jews since Hitler for partisan and (most likely) personal pique reasons. How morally repellent is that!

And then Joseph Biden told us he was busy–too busy to protest a nuclear-armed madman who fervently believes that his mysterious Twelfth Imam (Mahdi) is destined to unite a chaotic globe under Allah....

No, those Democrats thought of themselves and their party first, the citizens of this country and the world later. ....

The Jews, firmest devotees of liberalism, will likely be killed by it, should Obama and crew be elected. Still, they will support him by a 70%+ margin...

And these are supposed to be the smartest people in the world? I weep...
