วันศุกร์, กันยายน 26, 2551

"If you can't win fair, win dirty"

Or, if you don't like the truth, simply suppress it by threatening people's livelihood. Ah, at last a glimpse of how the elusive Barack Obama would actually govern....

Via Snowflakes in Hell:

Barack Obama’s campaign is trying to silence the National Rifle Association’s latest ad campaign using strong arm tactics by threatening them with possible legal action if they run the ads:

Failure to prevent the airing of “false and misleading advertising” may be “probative of an underlying abdication of licensee responsibility” Cosmopolitan Broad. Corp v. FCC, 581 F.2d 917, 927 (D.C. Cir. 1978).

So basically, stop running NRA’s ads, or your broadcast license could be in jeopardy.

More from The Bitch Girls:

Barack Obama is used to having his way. Interestingly, he is not a fan of people pointing out when he’s lying about things like civil rights, especially that pesky Second Amendment.

That’s why Obama has a team of hired goons - some call them lawyers - to threaten legal action against those who air his record.

The Obama campaign sent cease and desist letters to news outlets in Pennsylvania and Ohio, denouncing the ads and demanding their removal from the airwaves. All stations where NRA-PVF has purchased or plans to purchase ads have been provided with documented evidence of Sen. Obama’s anti-gun record.

The only problem is that the ads are based on a real, proven record.

And Obama's brownshirts in Missouri are going to take it a step further...via Gateway Pundit:

KMOV aired a story last night, that stated that St. Louis County Circuit Attorney Bob McCulloch and St. Louis City Circuit Attorney Jennifer Joyce, both Obama supporters, are threatening to bring criminal libel charges against anyone who levels what turns out to be false criticisms of their chosen candidate for President.

Check out the link - some interesting Obama video, and a dare for his campaign....

Is this why the liberals always shriek about Bush's so-called "stormtrooper" tactics? So they can excuse it when one of their own actually, you know, engages in it?

Stalin would be proud of his American descendants...

1 ความคิดเห็น:

ไม่ระบุชื่อ กล่าวว่า...

"criminal libel"??

I wonder where those two went to law school.