วันศุกร์, กันยายน 19, 2551

Sandra Bernhard: Rapist

Sorry, that's an unusually blunt (although apt) header

But this bit of ugliness from the Medusa of comedy goes well beyond the pale; Tim Graham has the description of Sandra's rape fantasies from a pleased reviewer:

....the play wears its politically VERY correct heart on its sleeve with its indictment of America as "A Man’s World, It’s a White Man’s World, It’s a F–ked Up White Man’s Racist World" and can only be suggested to be racist in its content if one is hell-bent on protecting White Folk for Sandra’s blistering indictment.

When Sandra warns Sarah Palin not to come into Manhattan lest she get gang-raped by some of Sandra’s big black brothers, she’s being provocative, combative, humorous, and yes, let’s allow, disgusting.

I guess to a liberal, rape is politically correct, as long as it is a Republican female getting violated, of course.

And excuse me, but - "provocative" and "humerous"? If a conservative comedian did a bit about "lynching Barack Obama", he would justifiably be run out of town on a rail (with four-network full coverage). But let a liberal comedianne fantasize about the rape of a conservative politician, and it's all fun and games. Just ask the Washington Post:

No one does angry funnier than Sandra Bernhard. So when she turns her chainsaw wrath on the Republicans' new media magnet, Sarah Palin, the trash talk is so witheringly foul it feels as if it's been fired in a furnace of pure, unadulterated rage.

...For though there are slightly less caustic moments of "Without You I'm Nothing," it is the interludes in which the comedian spews epithet-laden venom like a rotating sprinkler that a spectator washes in most happily.

Well, when the "spectator" in question is a member of the mainstream media, that is....although I would trade the phrase "washes in" with "wallows in" for the sake of accuracy....

Update: Video at Gateway Pundit. Man, is she hard to look at....

Update II: A worthy read: "Sandra Bernhard Respects Black Men - That's Why she Expects Them to Rape on Command"

4 ความคิดเห็น:

ไม่ระบุชื่อ กล่าวว่า...

I've never found Sandra Bernhart to be even a little bit funny. By contrast, Sarah Silverman, whose politics I despise, and who can do her share of crude, I must admit, is talented. Sandra Bernhart, no.

ไม่ระบุชื่อ กล่าวว่า...

Sandra Bernhard's biggest attraction was always an ugly woman trying to be funny. These Leftist women are really losing their minds. Rosanne wondered on Bill Maher's show whether McCain would take away women's right to vote. Even Maher's audience thought that was a nutso thing to think.
absurd thought -
God of the Universe says
never elect a woman

who's a conservative
she's just a gender traitor

absurd thought -
God of the Universe says
just HOPE to pay more taxes

DREAM about high fuel prices
CHANGE PROGRESS to move backwards

absurd thought -
God of the Universe says

OR a minority
if they are Right of center

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Philosophy of Liberty Cartoon
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The JerseyNut กล่าวว่า...

Actually, I don't know much about Sarah Silverman's politics; I am almost afraid to ask. She's the hot,foul-mouthed, and funny Jewish girl of my dreams, and I'd hate for that bubble to pop...

Captain USpace กล่าวว่า...

Yes, Sarah Silverman is a very funny hotty. Her bit on 'The Aristocrats' is a classic.
