วันจันทร์, เมษายน 30, 2550

Speed Racer Returns!

Glenn Reynolds notes the following:

N.J. Gov. Jon Corzine has a terrible accident after going 91 mph without a seatbelt in the rain. On the way home from the hospital today, still wheelchair-bound,
he speeds:

"No one in the motorcade used emergency lights, as his driver had been doing at the time of the accident. They kept to a pace of about 70 miles per hour, even though the posted limit is 55 on the stretch of Interstate 295 that leads to Drumthwacket, the governor’s official mansion in Princeton, where Mr. Corzine will spend the next stage of his recovery."

Nice example. I mean, 70 in a 55 isn't huge, but under the circumstances. . . .

And I note
the following:

Pamela S. Fischer is paid $125,000 a year to oversee 23 employees and a $10 million annual budget as director of the Division of Highway Traffic Safety [of New Jersey]. Did you know you were financing such an operation? Do you know what it does? Probably not.
Anyway, when Corzine announced her appointment, it came in a press release touting her work in — are you ready for this? — toughening the state's seat belt law. Yep, that would be the law Corzine broke just before he went to intensive care.

Mr. Reynolds seems surprised by Corzine's chutzpah; I realize the professor is a busy man, but if he had time to keep up with the foibles in this godforsaken state, he would be harder to shock...

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ไม่ระบุชื่อ กล่าวว่า...

Go speed racer!
Go speed racer!
Go speed racer gooooo - out of my frickin' state!

ไม่ระบุชื่อ กล่าวว่า...

He just can't drive 55, OK?