วันอังคาร, พฤษภาคม 01, 2550

Anti-Americanism, examined...

David Medienkritik posts a translation from the German magazine Die Zeit, where a pretty fair evaluation of the phenomenon of anti-Americanism is laid out...some excerpts:

Everything American has become radioactive in (Western) Europe – whoever comes into contact with it too closely and for too long becomes contaminated to the point of unelectability...

....something potentially universal, a form of worldwide bellyaching in varying strengths, is to be seen in the criticism of the United States. Anti-Americanism is a new global ideology, the “Leitkultur” for protest against prevailing conditions....

...it is today, above all, the unfortunate consciousness of the Arab world that, in contrast to the American dominated West, is experiencing its own backwardness, in a paradoxical mixture of disgust and fascination: “Yankee, go home, but take me with you!”

Medienkritik is the best German blogger out there; his site does a magnificant job in exposing some of the purile anti-American biases that persist in the European media. The above post is a positive example of the type of sober analysis that has long been lacking from the German media in particular (although that could apply broadly across the Continent). Click over and take a read...
