วันเสาร์, พฤษภาคม 26, 2550

Trooper Davey Jones: A Drunken Liar, or a Lying Drunk?

Thought I put the finishing chapter on the New Jersey State Trooper & Trooper Union President Davey Jones' penchant for intimidation the other day; I added in the recently uncovered story of his unusual 2005 autoaccident more as an amusing anecdote than anything else. But of course, nothing is amusing, or anecdotal, when dealing with Stormtrooper Jones. A bit more, if you would indulge me:

When State Police Trooper David Jones slammed an SUV into the back of a 40-ton tractor trailer in 2005, the impact was so hard that the truck driver was jolted back into his seat.
Brick police later stated in the department's official report that Jones "had been drinking."

Police did not conduct tests on Jones to determine the blood alcohol level, if any, in his body. No summonses were issued in the Nov. 1, 2005, accident on Route 70 near the Manasquan River. Jones lives in Brick.
The GMC Suburban driven by Jones was owned by the Manasquan-based State Troopers Fraternal Association.

"If that was you or me, we would have gotten a ticket," Ocean Township lawyer Adam J. Weisberg said.

When questioned about the accident, Trooper Jones reverted to his usual tactics:

In an interview yesterday, Jones said that any effort to ask him about the accident was "nothing but an attempt to besmirch" him in a "smear campaign."

Will Stormtrooper - whoops again! - I mean State Trooper Jones now release personal information on the poor soul who interviewed him yesterday? After all, the last guys who questioned your judgement were forced into hiding by your threats....

Well, I can't question you, but I can help expose you. More:

In the interview, Jones said that he had hit the truck after coming down off of the Route 70 Bridge over the Manasquan River. Jones said that he was in the right-hand lane as he approached two trucks that were moving slowly away from the intersection at Riviera Drive.
Just as Jones began to move into the left lane, Jones said the rear truck did also. Jones said he then locked his brakes and went back into the right lane and struck the other truck.
"I've got a thousand witnesses, including a hundred people that I was in front of, 40 minutes before the accident," he said, without elaborating. "I don't know where you think you are going with this."

A thousand witnesses, Jonsie? Maybe if you threaten them all with a gun....but the key witnesses speak otherwise:

But Bruno E. Duffield Jr., the driver of the truck that Jones struck, said that the second truck was always in front of him, and that neither truck attempted to move into the left hand lane. His account is consistent with the Brick police report, which said that Duffield's truck had been stopped at a red light at the intersection, behind a second tractor trailer.

When the light turned green, Duffield pulled through the intersection and was struck from behind by Jones, the report stated.

Seems like Jones was drunk, got away with it due to his position, and has been lying about it ever since.

The fact that Jones is the president of the New Jersey State Troopers Union, and has continued to hold this position even after a number of ugly incidents, speaks poorly of all New Jersey state police. If this is who they insist of having represent them, then one must assume that he is representative of them, as well.

Feeling ill-treated and disprespected by the public? Sorry, boys, you've brought it on yourself. Remove Jones, and redeem yourselves.

My little series on Jones starts here, then here, gets political here, "finishes" here, but likely ends here (with this post!)

3 ความคิดเห็น:

ไม่ระบุชื่อ กล่าวว่า...

Thanks for keeping the heat on this jackass, but as for him quitting, I think it is highly unlikely. Classic example of a guy who thinks he will never get his comeuppance.
And the state police can either stop complaining about their image, or bring him down. Blaming the citizens of New Jersey for their mistakes only compounds their problems.

ไม่ระบุชื่อ กล่าวว่า...

I'll go with a lying drunk.

ไม่ระบุชื่อ กล่าวว่า...

I think there should be a minimum age requirement of 35. This way all prospective state troopers will have a better idea of what life is about (and how lucky they are to serve in their capacity).Please, don't get me wrong...I think highly of the State Police (especially having to deal with the carnage on the highway. Who would want to taske that home).
Perhaps it is my imagination? But it appears as though the "older", less-educated-troopers are the better deal. You know, the ones that drive the older vehicles, and dress less like a military cadet at graduation.