วันอาทิตย์, พฤษภาคม 13, 2550

It's ALWAYS about 9/11...

..at the Washington Post. Well, when it comes to Republicans. As far as reporting on Democrats and their policies, it's as if it never happened. Anyway, headline reads:

For Giuliani, 9/11 Led to Riches

On Dec. 7, 2001, nearly three months after the terrorist attack that had made him a national hero and a little over three weeks before he would leave office, New York Mayor Rudolph W. Giuliani took the first official step toward making himself rich.

The letter he dispatched to the city Conflicts of Interest Board that day asked permission to begin forming a consulting firm with three members of his outgoing administration....

In crafting its image, the firm took care to burnish its most valuable asset: the worldwide reputation Giuliani had earned for his composure and leadership in the days after the terrorist attack on the World Trade Center.

Right. It had nothing to do with the fact the Rudy Giuliani took a city that was no better than a third-world nation, and eradicated crime, turned around the economy, and made it into a magnet for tourism, business, and families. The Washington Post would have you believe none of this matters, and Rudy would have left town a poor man if it were not for the heroism he showed on 9/11.

Hmmm...if they are claiming, however, that Rudy was opportunistic by using his fame to earn money, what does that say about the whole of Hillary Clinton's political career (or her sudden enrichment via land/stock deals whilst Bill was running Arkansas)? Not an angle the WaPost will likely take....is it just disdain for private enterprise and personal wealth fairly earned, or are they getting in some early cracks at Rudy as he maintains popularity among the general electorate?

It's still a bit early to take down the Republicans, even for the mainstream media - geez, Rudy must be makin' them real nervous in the newsroom...
