วันพุธ, พฤษภาคม 02, 2550

Should be paired with "'Merchants of the Myth'"...

Maybe if it was listed as a comedy...but no, Virgin Atlantic Airways is offering passengers a viewing of paranoid-wacko-conspiracy 9/11 truther flick Loose Change. Virgin describes this bilge-fest as a documentary, and provides us with a teaser:

Was 9/11 a government set up? You decide.

Everyone’s talking about it so we thought you’d like to see the film that started out as a home movie and became one of the most downloaded documentaries of all time. Was 9/11 a government set up? Were the twin towers brought down in a controlled explosion for an insurance payday?

These questions and more are posed in this controversial film, seen by millions, derided by many. Now it’s your chance to make up your own mind.

"Everyone's talking about it"? Maybe in the Virgin boardroom...TIm Blair can tell you how to contact the decision-makers here....

Incidentally, 'Merchants of the Myth' is a Iranian Holocaust-denial flick, and a perfect match for "Loose Change" ...Virgin should just run it as a double feature, since, you know, everyone's talking about it...
