วันศุกร์, เมษายน 27, 2550

Europe opens their arms to their status as Dhimmis....

First, The Brussels Journal refers us to an interview with author Bat Ye'or, who understands and has written insightfully on the fall of Europe:

The core problem is connected to the satellization of Europe by the Arab and Muslim world....
Britain was humbled and did not react firmly to the kidnapping of fifteen of its sailors by Iran. Instead, British journalists and academia turned with violent hatred against Israel to appease Muslim governments and particularly the Palestinians who had abducted, for ransom, a BBC journalist. Such behaviour is typical of dhimmitude: the Christian dhimmi, being too afraid to attack his Muslim oppressor, directs his impotent frustration against a weaker and innocent dhimmi victim, the Jew. Those triangular relationships are constant in the social and political fabric of dhimmitude for more than a millennium and till today.

It's not just the British that have taken up Jew-bashing as a way to make themselves feel better (and to gain nods of approval from their Muslim masters), the French have long been on board this ship - via
Melanie Phillips, the following report on the state of Jews under seige in France:

A more basic problem also exists: the way French society reacted to these attacks, always beginning by denying, refusing to accept the reality and accusing the Jewish community of being the instigator of aggression. As always, the Jews have been accused of being responsible for the outbreak of antisemitism. The same reaction occurred some years afterwards, in 2006, even after Interior Minister Nicolas Sarkozy came to power, when the young man Ilan Halimi was murdered. These reactions are the symptom of a profound crisis: a permanent, not temporary, crisis of the Jewish condition in France.

My thesis is that the Jewish identity born after World War II is no longer backed up by French society. It became a thing of the past. The Jews are at a crossroads and will have to choose which road they will take.

I'm sure the French would love to see their nation become "Juden-frei" in the hopes it would settle down those pesky car-burning "youths" of unknown nationality in the suburbs...the fact that they will turn on the rest of the French population once this occurs never seems to enter their minds...

And is the revitalized European anti-semitism and pro-Arabism all about...

In short, the Palestinian cause has provided a humanity weary of apologizing for having abandoned six million Jews to their deaths the unhoped-for opportunity to relieve itself of the burden of repentance.

Is erasing the burden of their guilt worth sacrificing the Jews to the 21st century's Nazis? Apparently, the Europeans believe so. For all of their moral posturing, their collective soul remains mean, dark, hateful, and small. Internally, though, it seems as if the French are at least on some level aware of how
contemptible they really are:

The French dislike themselves even more than the Americans dislike them, according to an opinion poll published on Friday.
The survey of six nations, carried out for the International Herald Tribune daily and France 24 TV station, said 44 percent of French people thought badly of themselves against 38 percent of U.S. respondents who had a negative view of the French.

Based on their embrace of their imminent status as dhimmis under Islamist rule, their feelings of self-loathing are correctly expressed....
