วันพุธ, เมษายน 25, 2550

Is this the French Presidential Election? Or Ours?

The Baseball Crank catches the New York Daily News practicing some of its themes for the upcoming 2008 presidental contest, using the candidates in the upcoming French elections as stand-ins for the expected Rudy vs. Hillary bout:

French pick woman to face rightist in prez race

Nicolas Sarkozy and Segolene Royal advanced yesterday to a runoff vote that will pick a president unlike any France has seen before: a hard-edged reformer pledging a new start, or a woman promising a healing touch...

Royal, 53, perfectly coiffed and dressed in a chic white suit, urged supporters last night to choose a path to a "new France" that cultivates "human values" and cares for the less fortunate.
"I refuse to cultivate fear," she said in a slap at Sarkozy, whose law-and-order image has made him a hated figure in Paris' troubled suburbs, rocked by riots that spread across France in the fall of 2005....

Many are predicting violence anew if Sarkozy is elected. Some voters blamed a strong anti-Sarkozy vote for yesterday's unprecedented 84% voter turnout...

Yeah, just like that strong anti-Bush vote helped Kerry win the 2004 election!

And who, exactly, are the "many" that are " predicting violence" ? The Daily News won't tell you - it runs counter to the storyline - but I can. Look here, scroll down towards the bottom...

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And if Obama runs, we'll have a "uniter" vs. a "divider" (it doesn't matter who the Republican candidate is, he will be a divider).

And it won't matter if you oppose Obama on policy points, any whom defy the media's appointed one will be labeled as red-necked racists, plain and simple.