วันพฤหัสบดี, เมษายน 12, 2550

The JerseyNut: Banned in China?

So I stumble upon The Great Firewall of China back in early April - it's a page where one can a test a website address and see if it’s blocked from viewing in China. Entering my own URL, the test engine quickly reported back that Right, Wing Nut! is fully available in China. Sighed with relief, I did, to know that folks in Bejing could gather 'round the glow in the internet cafe and get their fill of the shenanigans of various and sundry New Jersey politicians...

A few days later - less than a week - I noticed via the much-scorned Sitemeter that, for the first time in an extremely long time, I had a visitor from China. But besides country of origin, I could glean very little about what our little surfer monkey was reading/doing while on the site late that evening. I thought back to my visit to The Great Firewall, but did a mental shake of the head. Just a coincidence.

Another couple of days pass by...and then, just a few minutes ago, I accidentally clicked the on link to The Great Firewall, and took that as a divine sign to check my URL one more time.

And what do you know? This blog is now banned in China.

What pushed our fearless Chinese censor over the edge? Stories detailing Hilly Clinton's
travails in New Jersey? My relentless pre-election Bob Menendez-bashing? Salacious slash fiction(?) starring Nancy Pelosi?

Ah, who knows...but I always though it would be cool for some guy/girl in China to stumble upon this blog while looking for something entirely unrelated, read a few lines, and just say to themselves, "WTF ??" before clicking away...

A joy I will now never know. Damn those Chinese Communists!

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Here is another site where you can check in real-time if a website is blocked from China: http://www.websitepulse.com/help/testtools.china-test.html