วันพฤหัสบดี, เมษายน 19, 2550

Choosing Dishonor

Britain and France had to choose between war and dishonour. They chose dishonour. They will have war.

Winston Churchill, on the infamous Munich Agreement with Adolf Hitler, 1938

Now we have Harry Reid -
Thursday, April 19, 2007:

Senate Majority Leader
Harry Reid said Thursday the war in Iraq is "lost" ...
The bleak assessment - the most pointed yet from Reid-came as the House voted 215-199 to uphold legislation ordering troops out of Iraq next year.

Reid said he told President Bush on Wednesday he thought the war could not be won through military force, although he said the U.S. could still pursue political, economic and diplomatic means to bring peace to Iraq.

Mr. Reid, meet Neville Chamberlain, your soulmate:

Chamberlain believed that
Germany had been badly treated by the Allies after it was defeated in the First World War. He therefore thought that the German government had genuine grievances and that these needed to be addressed. He also thought that by agreeing to some of the demands being made by Adolf Hitler of Germany and Benito Mussolini of Italy, he could avoid a European war.

Switch "Germany" with "Islamists", and "Chamberlain" with "Reid", and you have a virtual repetition of the events of 70 years ago.

Expect a repetition of the results.
