วันพฤหัสบดี, เมษายน 20, 2549

The Wind Stolen From Jersey's Sails

Anne Applebaum, in the Washington Post, speaks to the hypocrisy of the environmental left when it comes to wind power - she quotes an "anti-wind" (no joke) group called Stop Ill Wind:

...it is "an environmental plunderer, with its hirelings and parasites using a few truths and the politics of wishful thinking to frame a house of lies." Far from being clean and green, "corporate wind is yet another extraction industry relying on false promises," a "poster child for irresponsible development."

...the traditional environmental movement.. .has produced a handful of untraditional splinter groups that are trying to stop them.
They may succeed. Already, activists and real estate developers have stalled projects across Pennsylvania, West Virginia and New York...

Anne leaves out New Jersey's shameful contribution to this selfish energy tantrum - first, we learn:

...four different companies are eyeing the state with hopes of building wind-powered electrical plants on New Jersey's soil and in its coastal waters...
....Meanwhile, two other companies are studying New Jersey's windiest location - its ocean waters - in hopes of erecting the country's first off-shore wind farm. One proposal calls for 335 windmills to be built in the ocean several miles off Cape May. Others could spring up offshore of Asbury Park or Great Egg Harbor...

Hmmm, business investment in environmentally sound energy projects? Sounds like every state's wet dream, but not in New Jersey. Here, our political functionaries decided to...kill it:

Coastal communities are familiar with the possibility of wind turbines appearing on the horizon as the wind energy industry gets stronger in America. Acting Governor of New Jersey Richard Codey [a Democrat, strangely not mentioned here -ed.] has decided to approach the possibility with caution, however.

He signed an executive order that enforces a 15-month funding and permitting freeze on all offshore, wind energy developments, and creates a Blue Ribbon Panel to study the costs and benefits of such developments. "Today's action ensures that no offshore wind turbine facilities will be constructed for the next 15 months off New Jersey's shore," Codey said. "The Blue Ribbon Panel will take this time to study the appropriateness of offshore wind turbines facilities.

A "Blue Ribbon Panel" is as much an order to kill as a knowing nod from Tony Soprano.
You want proof? The above article is dated December 2004...15 months ago.
And nary a sighting of a windmill anywhere....

UPDATE April 22nd: From The New York Post, an Earth Day article entitled "Green Fraud":

And then there's the Kennedy family.
Patriarch Ted, for instance, loves to hates coal and oil, but his affection for "clean energy" certainly stops at the water's edge.
The senator tried mightily to kill the Cape Wind Project - an enormous wind-to-energy project off the Nantucket coastline - because, as ur-environmentalist and Vanity Fair coverboy Robert Kennedy once explained, its line of windmills would have spoiled one of the Kennedy family's favorite spots to sail.

To say nothing of Kennedy-compound property values on Cape Cod.

Green for thee, but not for me?

Happy Earth Day.

Amazing - A middle class family in New Jersey who dares to purchase an SUV for their transportation needs should prepare themselves to be demonized for being anti-Earth; while the rich and the influential jigger the political system to protect their visual vistas, while clothing themselves in garments of "enviornmental concern".
Again, note the political affiliation of the enviro-hypocrites...notice a pattern yet?

UPDATE 4/27: Instapundit "weighs" in on Kennedy..."
