วันจันทร์, เมษายน 10, 2549

Iranian Wargames Off The American Coast?

So they say Bush is a provocative warmonger? Well, how about the Iranians?

The head of the political party, the Alliance of Builders of Islamic Iran [], Hasan Bayadi [who is Vice President of the Tehran City Council], has suggested to the Iranian Ministry of defense that it conduct war games near American border to show the strength of Iran's military

"we, recommend to the new Iranian defense minister Mostafa Mohammad-Najjar [] that he take the initiative and prepare a military exercise with nations in the Western Hemisphere, such as Cuba and Venezuela..."

Bayadi also mentioned the example set by The Prophet of Islam [Mohammad] during the battle of Tabouk [] in which Muhammad's army was preparing for a battle exercise with the Roman emperor.

Bayadi ends his suggestion by stating that such war games with our allies in the region, near the U.S. border, would pave the way for military cooperation with other governments in the region. They would also provide a platform for Iran's military to show the world, especially the Imperialists, how strong Iran really is. Finally would also be an opportunity and to Iran's great advantage for the Iranian armed services to test their powers against those of our allies overseas.

Sound like a sane, stable country...aw heck, let's give 'em some nukes!

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ไม่ระบุชื่อ กล่าวว่า...

I understand your fear of Iran.
I mean sure, they are one powerfull country, aren't they?
They are a threat to your right to mow the lawn and drink coffee in the morning, because they have aircraft carriers and cruising missiles and let's not forget the satellite weapons and their thriving economy that provides the cash for all that.
It is simply ridiculous what you are quoting here as a threat. Some third rate public servant said something and Ahmadinejad will bendover backwards to indulge him.
It is not logical to conclude that a civilisation that is older than the forests from which emerged the tribes that became the nations whose citizens populated the American continent is just not mature enough to have nukes.
Oh, and if you are wondering i am not from the middle east, i am from Macedonia, a place where we had philosophy and literature when your tribes had just discovered that yellow snow is just not good for you.
Further more, the gas you are using to go to work caused tens of thousands of deaths in Iraq. Someone's father, or brother or child died so you can buy cheap gas . So tell me now, why should the rest of the world like you?
Should Iran just capitulate and become the war-torn hell that Iraq is?
Perhaps in a Hollywood movie, in the real world, every nation has a right to pursue it's happiness and protect it's values.