วันอังคาร, เมษายน 18, 2549

Getting "Tough" With Iran!

From Amir Tehari:

'UNHELPFUL": So British Foreign Secretary Jack Straw described Iran's announcement that it has now joined "the nuclear club." Straw's French and German colleagues did no better. One saw Iran's provocative move as "regrettable" the other preferred "disappointing." The European trio was echoing earlier comments from Washington that had chosen "unacceptable."

Well, as the late Raymond Aaron liked to say, when you say that something is "unacceptable," you have already accepted it as a reality. As for "unhelpful," that adjective is normally used in conjugal disputes when the aggrieved spouse wishes to say something without causing further aggravation.

Any thought that such moaning might make the mullahs shake in their sandals, let alone abandon their strategic quest for a nuclear surge capacity, would be naive to say the least...

And at least one person understands what needs to be said:

Bush won't rule out nuclear strike on Iran

This will cause the left to pull their hair out, but imagine Iran's reaction if Bush stated his refusal in any case to use nukes...do anyone save for the most deluded (and maybe Jimmy Carter) really, really think it would give the Mad Mullahs a moment's pause to reflect on their actions?

Better to be clear with them from the outset...
