วันอังคาร, เมษายน 04, 2549

The Berlin Intifada

Is Europe falling faster than we could of expected? Via Little Green Footballs, we read about a school overtaken by Muslim youth, where teachers cower in fear, schoolkids pay protection, and police are assasinated:

BERLIN - Violence at a Berlin school dominated by Arab and Turkish youths and the nearby slaying of police officer, shot in the head while trying to arrest muggers, has fuelled alarm that troubled parts of the German capital are lurching out of control...

...teachers had lost all authority and were now so afraid that they only entered classrooms with a mobile phone so they could call for help in an emergency.

When reporters went to school on Thursday they were pelted with paving stones by masked youths from the schoolyard as the district’s mayor stood helplessly at the entrance of the building...

...A problem in German schools is that especially Arab male students often refuse to respect the authority of women teachers, education sources told Deutsche Presse-Agentur....
"...the boys are often being raised in a home environment which glorifies violence”...

“The German (students) brown nose us, pay for things for us and stuff like that, so that we don’t smash in their faces,” said a foreign student from the school as quoted by the Berliner Kurier

And don't think it cannot happen here...

But hey! What am I worried about? It's The Religion of Peace, right?

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"Hometown Jihad"
Very scary.