วันพฤหัสบดี, เมษายน 06, 2549

Democrats, defined...

The Democrats continue to circle the wagons around their favorite racist, Cynthia McKinney. Still trapped in the sixties, believing cops are pigs and that if we just gave peace a chance, man, war would be over, the Democrats show us their true colors, and agenda.

We’ll let the borders become floodgates (because all immigrants are good people and no terrorists would ever try to enter and of course all the Mexicans want is to be honest hardworking Americans and would never try to impose their values on us and if we just raise taxes a little bit more we can afford to pay for all of their needs),we’ll bring all of our soldiers home (because they are "broken down", according to John Murtha, and because they have "re-opened Abu Ghraib under new management" according to Ted Kennedy, or because the are similar to Nazis, according to Dick Durbin, and because they are the scourge of the Iraqi people, according to John Kerry), and we’ll demonize the police, because, after all, they deserve the physical abuse launched at them by the likes of Cynthia McKinney, since they are the racists, not us liberals!

Stuck in the sixties; and they have the nerve to proudly label themselves “progressives”…

But this is what the Democrat’s world would look like – in a society where everyone is a victim, the simple act of enforcing the law (or the peace, or acting in self-defense, as an individual or a nation) becomes an act of aggression against said victim (after all, the thief is only stealing because he had a bad childhood; so by arresting him, you are further victimizing him!). Therefore the Islamic terrorists, the illegal immigrants, and even Congresswomen whom assault police officers are not perpetrators, simply more innocents victimized by society, by the law, by our imperialistic borders…

Sick philosophy, but that’s liberalism for you. Michelle Malkin’s site points out that the Dems, despite their protestations about being painted as “weak”, find themselves looking…

McKinney has been aggressively publicizing the incident, calling press conferences on each of the past two business days and even attracting a mention on the front page of The New York Times, something that the dozens of House and Senate Democrats combined couldn’t match when they unveiled their homeland-security plan last week.
Now, with McKinney facing a possible arrest warrant, the media frenzy is set only to escalate. The U.S. Capitol Police referred the issue to the U.S. District Attorney’s office for prosecution yesterday.
All of the attention has some Democrats concerned that McKinney is drawing the limelight away from their policy goals and Republicans’ ethical missteps to focus on a momentary, disputed encounter in a Capitol Hill hallway.
“There’s been a lot of eye-rolling,” said an aide to a moderate Democrat who spoke on condition of anonymity. “The national attention it’s been getting has been unfortunate. It’s becoming a distraction.”

A Democratic strategist concurred.
“This isn’t the view of Democrats that we want to project in the tough races, one of victims and race-baiting,” the strategist said.

Malkin adds:

When has it ever been otherwise?

She’s a genius…
more from Michelle:

While McKinney and her ilk sling wild charges of racism and conspiracy at the police, national Dems have yet to utter one clear word in defense of the men and women who protect their privileged backsides day in and day out in Washington.

But, hey, don't question their patriotism.

….Two Capitol Hill cops died in the line of fire in 1998 defending politicians and government workers from an intruding gunman who waltzed past a checkpoint in the same manner McKinney did. The Democrats' refusal to condemn the McKinney mob's smear campaign against the Capitol Hill police sinks to a new level of political cowardice. And stupidity. Republicans have already announced plans to introduce a bill defending the 1,700-member Capitol Hill police force — reinforcing the Donkey Party's haplessness on public safety and national security issues.

Couldn’t happen to a better political party.
