วันอาทิตย์, พฤศจิกายน 27, 2548

Ramsey Clark: Traitor!

Another Democrat rushes to the aid of Saddam Hussein:

The trial of Saddam Hussein and seven co-defendants resumes in a fortified Baghdad courtroom on Monday with former U.S. attorney general Ramsey Clark joining the team defending Iraq's overthrown president...
Clark, a controversial figure who was the top U.S. attorney in the late 1960s before becoming an anti-Vietnam war activist and a defender of figures including Slobodan Milosevic said he hoped to strengthen Saddam's defense.

"Our plan is to go to court in Baghdad on Monday morning representing the defense counsel as defense support," Clark told Reuters in Amman on Sunday before flying to the Iraqi capital.

Well, at least Clark admits he is going to support Saddam; most Democrats would love to see him freed on a liberal "technicality" so that they can use it to embarrass President Bush - heck; let's find Saddam "not guilty" due to American malfeasence and put Bush on trial for war crimes! Yea, that's the ticket!

Link: http://news.yahoo.com/s/nm/20051127/ts_nm/iraq_saddam_trial_dc

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