-the Iranian abduction of British sailors a few months back exposed that nation's inability to truly project force around the world; this for perhaps for the first time since the fall of the Holy Roman Empire.
-New Prime Minister Gordon Brown's elevation of Mark Malloch Brown to the House of Lords and then to the Foreign and Commonwealth Office is, according to Mark Steyn, "one of the most revolting public appointments in modern British history." Brown is the man who -
...argued that the reason the U.N. was so unpopular in America was that the moronic hayseeds in flyover country had fallen for the right-wing blowhards...
and is best friends with conservative-hater and nation looter George Soros as well. You would think these guys would be welcomed by the Islamists based on their bona fides as longtime detractors of the Great Satan, no?
- even the Lockerbie bomber has won the right to a new appeal - Abdelbaset Ali Mohmed Al-Megrahi has been granted such because he "may have suffered a miscarriage of justice” at his 2001 trial". The dead, meanwhile, have no such recourse...score yet another win for England's Islamists.
So to review - Britain puts America-haters in the cabinet, cowers at the feet of the Iranians, and allows terrorists repeated opportunites to wrangle their way free via the "justice" system. Now certainly, as the American liberals argue, these are the type of steps that need to be taken - non-provocative, concilatory - in order to "defuse" the threat of radical Islam.
Well, let's see the results of this theory as put into practice by Great Britain:

Appeasement only whets the appetite (see Hitler, Adolf) of the antagonist; theirs is a bill that is never paid in full until the appeaser is wrung dry. So goes Britain; so goes the West....