วันจันทร์, ธันวาคม 10, 2555

No Wonder Google So Fervently Supported Barack Obama...

...it wasn't going to cost them a dime:

Google Inc.  avoided about $2 billion in worldwide income taxes in 2011 by shifting $9.8 billion in revenues into a Bermuda shell company, almost double the total from three years before, filings show.

By legally funneling profits from overseas subsidiaries into Bermuda, which doesn’t have a corporate income tax, Google cut its overall tax rate almost in half. The amount moved to Bermuda is equivalent to about 80 percent of Google’s total pretax profit in 2011.

The increase in Google’s revenues routed to Bermuda, disclosed in a Nov. 21 filing by a subsidiary in the Netherlands, could fuel the outrage spreading across Europe and in the U.S. over corporate tax dodging. Governments in France, the U.K., Italy and Australia are probing Google’s tax avoidance as they seek to boost revenue during economic doldrums.

Re-read that last sentence, and note which nation is not probing Google at this time.

Barack Obama takes care of those who take care of him, ideology be damned.  And besides, who's to say he won't have need of the assistance of the world's largest provider of internet-related services some day?

Mr. Larry Page and Sergey Brin - co-owners of the search giant - seem to understand the concept of quid pro quo fairly well.  Which terrifies me, to be honest.

And gives lie to their unofficial motto as well.  They enable the most duplicitous president to be re-elected so that he may loot my earnings rather than theirs, and they tell me -"Don't be evil"?

Are you freaking kidding me?

Like the Joker asking,  "Why so serious?"...
