วันพุธ, ธันวาคม 19, 2555

Gee, Where Do You Think Yahoo Stands On Gun Control?

All liberal bias, all the fucking time:

While I really wanted to focus on the gun issue, the first and last items are a hoot.  You want to see someone embrace a position they once criticized?

Boehner says it’s vital to limit the number of folks hit by any tax hike; thus, he drew a line at those making more than $1 million, announcing a “Plan B” yesterday to do that if a deal can’t be reached in time.

But let’s be honest: It’s Obama & Co. driving this bus, insisting on tax hikes.

Two years ago, the prez admitted the damage hikes would inflict and agreed to a two-year tax freeze: “Allowing taxes to go up,” he said, “could cost our economy.”

And yet he's demanding a $1.2 trillion dollar tax hike.  And according to Yahoo, that's not a contradiction. Or not one you should know about...

And how's that "rising star" Cory Booker really doing?  Well, there's a reason he's turning his eyes towards the Senate - his chances for earning the governorship of New Jersey look "slimmer" every day:

New Jersey governor Chris Christie has accepted the endorsement of the Laborers International Union of North America (LIUNA), according to an announcement from the Republican's reelection campaign. The organization "is one of the largest unions in the state, representing over 20,000 laborers across New Jersey primarily within the construction and manufacturing trades."

...Raymond M. Pocino, the vice president of the union, says: "We can look back on the past three years and be proud of the work Chris Christie has done to make New Jersey a stronger place for families and businesses, just as we can look ahead at the next five years and know that Chris Christie is the person best equipped to address problems and create opportunities. He has demonstrated uncommon leadership as well as a keen understanding of our union and its members. He has earned our support."

A Democrat who can't get union support in a deep-blue state is a "rising star"?  That's called "Yahoo logic".  When Tim Scott  - a black Republican from the deep South - was appointed by an Indian-American Republican governor to become her state's next Senator, Yahoo gave us this, three paragraphs in:

But his departure from the House, coupled with the defeat of fellow conservative Allen West of Florida on November 6, will leave the Republicans without a black representative in the lower chamber.

Not rising stars...but problems, apparently, for the Republican Party

Speechless, I am.  Thankfully, we have one honest news outlet left - the New York Post:

Scott’s appointment also holds an interesting lesson about contemporary politics.

Haley and Louisiana’s Bobby Jindal are the nation’s only Indian-American governors. Both happen to be Republican, as are two Latinos in the Senate, with Texas’ Ted Cruz joining Florida’s Marco Rubio.

Democrats talk diversity.

Republicans deliver.

(More on the unhinged bias and animosity of Yahoo News can be found here, here, here, here and here, and here and here...and here. Oh, and here...here too...)
