วันอาทิตย์, ธันวาคม 02, 2555

Another FEMA Fail In Staten Island...

And still barely a peep from the national media.  Is it because the president is a Democrat, or because the latest victim of the government's incompetence is white?

A pregnant Hurricane Sandy victim was booted from her hotel room yesterday and forced to hunt for a place to stay because FEMA dropped the ball on her reservation.

Keri Christian, 27, was living at Brooklyn’s Nu Hotel with her daughter, Serafina, 2, after the storm destroyed their Staten Island home.

Now the eight-months-pregnant mom is couch surfing at an acquaintance’s home in Bay Ridge until she finds a new place.

Her husband, Anthony Marotto, 41, has been in Staten Island, trying to raise their charred and flooded home from the ashes...

As the pregnant mom struggles to find shelter, scores of hotel rooms reserved for hurricane victims — paid for with nearly $1 million in taxpayer money — have been vacant for weeks.

The Wall Street Journal reported last week 120 rooms at the Milford Plaza Hotel in Midtown haven’t been used since mid-November.

Marotto said he confronted agency workers, who claimed their fax machine wasn’t working and they couldn’t send paperwork to the hotel.

An agency spokesman wouldn’t comment....

Christian has waited in FEMA lines for hours since the storm. She’d moved in and out of friends’ homes until finally settling in the Nu Hotel.

The constant moving has been so painful that she even checked into an emergency room because FEMA lines were too excruciating.

Where's the outrage from women, who voted for Obama in droves to protect them, to act as a surrogate father and husband, to make sure they they wouldn't be left alone to be buffeted by the cruel winds of life?

Not a peep in defense of their pregnant sister.  Maybe that's because the bulk of Obama's female support came from single women, and thus feel nothing for Keri, who - with a husband and children - already has more than many of them will ever have.  Or perhaps having so recently re-confirmed their commitment to Barack, they simply refuse to believe this tale of infidelity, as they clutch onto their "promise rings" and still hope it will all be OK...

More likely, though, they have no clue.  The media is hiding stories like this from them, and the 30+ single women crowd (especially in NYC) has their head so far up their own asses that anything that doesn't directly affect them doesn't penetrate.

Women know guys like Obama, who say they’ll leave their wife for you, and then go home and swear through tears to an outraged wife that the affair is over, and return to you and say they’re going to leave their wife. All the while, they are playing a round of golf, religiously, every Sunday...

But both the wife and the mistress will keep taking him back anyway...
